In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God. 2 He was in
the beginning with God. 3 All
things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him
was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the
light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
word is governed by the ultimate dominion of God which means the logic of God.
The word is God Himself. Everything was created by the word. According to John
the Theologian, the word is one of the attributes of God, the greatest, I
believe, and it is used today as a cultural element, because the word means
logic, it means evolution, rebirth, God’s wisdom, science etc.. This grand
world which is a jewel, an ornament of God with full wisdom works on it and all
its surroundings, like humans as the only logical progressive being, trees,
animals, mountains, rivers, aquatic world etc.. was not made by the hand of God
but by the word of God. The Lord revealed that everything was made through the
word. Also, with His presence, and by His Words He showed to His first
disciples but also to all of us, the infinite powers of the Word. In all His
years on earth He revealed the powers of the Word, for example, Lazarus come
forth and Lazarus came out the tomb... the girl was arose from the death… hand
that was restored… food that he received, increased and provided (through
prayer and the faith of the word) and five thousand people not including women
and children ate and had 12 baskets of leftover fish.
revealed to His first disciples and to all faithful world that if we ask
through the word in the name of Christ with faith we shall receive. Therefore the word is God and we are more
valuable of what we believe we are… weak people … but since we have speech we
are sons and daughters of God. Faith in the word will play a key role in the
rebirth of the human race and in the elimination to all corruptible elements.
Without the word and without faith in God everything is in vain. We need to
study, to pray in order to understand the power and the way the word acts. When
we know and understand the value of the word then the door to establish within
us and around us the kingdom of God will remain open for us to get in through
life. Otherwise the typical faith in the word which pervades us today will
bring us into the kingdom of God though death. I wish that everyone can
understand the great value of God’s Word and the living faith which gives the
word the value so that though the word we can become heirs, participants and
partakers of the glory of God. Let it be done… let it be done… Amen.
the word becomes a light when it’s governed by the logic of God or else it
loses its value and people than use it with wicked and selfish criteria. Let
not this happen to us. In verse 5 it states that the light (life, rebirth,
progress) prevails of darkness. This means that the logic of God when being
perceived by one or many people will prevail the logic of a person which is
darkness (sin, corruption, death). The logic of God (light) is also love,
humbleness, wisdom, peace, eternal life, while darkness is the accumulation of
materialism and the division among people which leads us to death of body and
soul. God forbid that we had the light come in the world in our lives and we
still remain and live in darkness.
Chapter 1 verse 6
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
the prophets and people sent from God prophesized until the day of the Lord and
I believe that there is no need for others. The Lord as God revealed with His
presence here on earth the whole truth. “Let no one call you a teacher or
master because there is only one teacher Christ”. Also, with His presence He
granted the repentance to each one of us individually “As the greatest among
you become the servant.” Therefore, today God’s people can only serve as
spiritual servants and nothing else. Servant is he who receives commands from God
or people and executes them. People that think they’re prophets, Sheppard’s,
teachers, apostles, leaders, or follow Christ by depending on others need to
reflect on their faith. The reason is because no one will take responsibility
for us nor the prophets nor pastors or missionaries. We’re all accountable to God
and everyone will give reason and account for himself, at least in the
Christian world. We do not need human intervention, no need, because there is
Christ and His Gospel to follow. Those people that wait now for another
spiritual prophet sent from God have a serious problem and are possessed with
spiritual laziness. The only thing we need is to love God and one another and
make a sacrifice to pass on the message which we understood to other brothers
and sisters. So all people can be reborn and evolve in a positive spiritual
manner and play an educational role within our human societies, until of the
day of the Lord. The Lord said “So you know you are my disciples by the love
you have for another”. Our lives shall be filled with the peace, wisdom and
love of Christ until He perfects them. Christ told us that He will send the
Helper, the Spirit of Truth, and He will guide you into all truth.
let us search to find the Helper which today exists and acts by the Holy Spirit
to lead the people of God which are dispersed in all nations consisting of
people from all nationalities. Let it be done… let it be done… Amen.
This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that
all through him might believe. He was not the Light, but was sent to bear
witness of that Light.
we talk of the light we assume it is natural light (sun) or electrical light.
Both dispel darkness. But here John speaks of the spiritual light which is Jesus
Christ and His teachings manifested from the Word of God. Today’s so called
Christians should take the light Christ, which is the word of God, (bible) in
their hands and drill daily the wisdom and knowledge. That’s how we begin to
comprehend the law of God and His infinite treasure which can be granted to us
and manifest in us in order for us to become His people. God’s people will show works of love, of
humbleness, elements of living faith of the incorruptible life. These are
elements that people need in order to survive.
That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming
into the world.
specifications for obtaining eternal life are to adopt His laws so the light of
Jesus can be illuminated in us so we can comprehend our mission and the
infinite wisdom of God our Father Amen. Without it we give the right, we allow
and give entitlement to the devil to prevail the darkness in our life and not
the light of Christ. We need to take
advantage of time because the days of our lives are short and also be cautious
because time flies. The light of Christ needs to prevail in our life so it can
illuminate it eternally. Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the
world did not know Him. He came to His own and His own did not receive Him.
was in the world but they did not recognize Him or received Him because their
works were devious. But the ones that were governed by the light of Christ,
humbleness and the truth, they recognized Him and followed Him. Indeed, many of
them gave their lives as ransom for many. Today we are called to know and
follow Christ and His wisdom, in the freedom given to us though the democratic
civilization that we live in, and accept Christ with all genuine spirituality.
We live in times that many prophecies will come to be and people will get to
know and understand that we need to integrate God’s will in our lives. Let this
be done… let this be done… Amen.
But as many as received Him, to them he gave the right to become
children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
child means a person who obeys one hundred percent the will of God. God’s child
means a person who knows the will of God and that he strives to apply it every
day in his life. God’s child means a
person who does not sin and that’s because he trained to adopt God’s thinking and
now he acts naturally like God. God’s
child means a person who does not lie, judge, nor swears and does not get tired
to serve God and other people. God’s
child means a person who day and night serves God and people. God’s child means
a person who through love finds ways and applies systems and methods of salvation
which bring the kingdom of God in the societies of the world and transform them
into God’s societies. God’s child means a person who is governed by
unconditional love and her elements. God’s child means a person who is governed
by peace and humbleness of Christ and elements such as, ( I am nothing, I did
nothing, I know nothing). God’s child means a person full of fruits, gifts and
signs. God’s child means a person with indomitable activity to bring God’s will
within and around him. God’s child means God on earth. Let this be done… let
this be done…Amen.
phrase who is not born of flesh and blood, as they were not born by the will of
man and woman means that they were born by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
blows where ever it wants and we do not know where it comes from or where it
goes. But today we know that it flees from God and runs to meet the person who
wants to develop love, sacrifice and life in his life.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and
is a great mystery the word of God to become flesh and to live within a person
and to grant him the right to be able, if he wants and strives, to be the icon
of the invisible God in the society he lives in. That’s how the fall of the devil
and his power in our society will vanish and the children of God will appear
and build the societies of God. Please Lord let this be done so the world can
move and rotate with your word and to act on the law of love of God. Amen.
John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, This was He of
whom I said, He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before
here identifies his mission because people have different imagination when it
comes to spiritual matters when there is ignorance of the word of God. John
with God’s spirit and wisdom clarifies his position towards God and humans by
declaring which mission is his and which mission is of Christ.
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.
fullness of Christ and His grace is* His teachings of love which He revealed
towards all fellowman friend and enemy.* The humbleness, the wisdom, the
miracles, and the full of wisdom answers given towards any direction,* His
sacrifice on the cross and* His resurrection which secured the eternal, incorruptible,
immortal life and finally* the grace and glory which He received from the Father
the day of His ascending.
Jesus did for Himself He did also for us. He gave us the right today to imitate
Him and receive the same grace with all the elements that we spoke before. We
receive everything and can be in the same spiritual level as He received, as
long as we want to do the work and to follow His teachings. Let this be done…
let this be done… Amen.
No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son who is in
the bosom of the Father, He is declared Him.
revealed that no one ever saw the Father because everyone is far away from His
teachings, from His wisdom, from His love, from His dominion, and ultimate
power of millions of fruits and gifts. However Jesus saw God the Father because
He pleased Him with His words and His works, which I wish, to happen the same
to all believers in the world. However the prophecy is that when the fullness
of time will come, we will be nourished by God and the Father will abide in us
and shall live in full spiritual condition as Christ.
He said, ” I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make
straight the way of the Lord”, as the prophet said.
voice resembles the clear message of repentance. This voice is active
throughout the Old Testament and to after Christ believers who received the
principles and values of the Gospel. This voice calls upon people to come close
to God, without knowing in the beginning the full knowledge of how and when the
rebirth can take place in a person and how to achieve the image and likeness of
the Father. That’s why Christ came and He brought forth the voice of God which
is driven by the Holy Spirit and reveals how to open the intellect of a person’s mind who wants to integrate
himself into the will of God and be lead on the path of eternal life. Only by the
Voice of God and by obedience in it, a person is able to get to know the living
God and to fulfill HIs laws in his life. I wish this to all who are called by
the Holy Spirit, so, all together as people of God to reach the day of the Lord
and we all be children of God. Many despair and quit this race. We need
confidence and mental activity on all sectors. Let this be done… Let this be
done… Amen.
And they asked him, saying, Why then do you baptize if you are
not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?
questions come from people who are presented to the masses of religious people
as the elect and practice all the typical rituals and traditions of their dogma
so they can control everyone and everything.
Just to know, that those who ask do not know God or His plan, because if
they knew they wouldn’t ask. The reason is purely hypocritical and the purpose
is to blame and condemn the people which God has chosen to do His will. The
reason, I stress again, is because their father is not God but the devil. These
people are afraid that other people will take their position or power away. The Lord stressed to them who asked “Scribes
and Pharisees hypocrites if you were of God you will had known that I came from
God and if you knew God you will know me also. But you do not know God because
you’re out of the devil”. But what shall
we say? We shall not ask? Off course we
ask but with the spirit of love and not with the intention to minimize the
others and act as we know it all. Let’s be careful how and why we ask. However,
the Lord answered with silence on hypocritical questions from wicked people. We
also, will answer such questions with silence and will allow God to reveal who
we are and what our mission is. When we begin to reason and justify what we do
and get into the process of judgement we fall in the same trap as those who
ask. Let us all know that a person of God works with wisdom in silence and his
characteristic feature is, even though people judge him, he judges no one. I
wish we all become people of God.
The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and said,
“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is He of
whom I said, After me comes a Man who is preferred before me, for He was before
is huge, the greatest thing a person (Lord Jesus Christ) can give you: the
possibility that all your sins are forgiven and from now on to the end of your
life to be always forgiven by the sacrifice of the Lord and also to be able to
enter eternally in the holy place as though you are a lamb of God. Glory to you
my Lord; we thank you for your infinite love and the great mercy which is
stalking us in our lives. Let this be done… Let this be done… Amen.
I did not know Him, but He who sent me, to baptize with water
said to me, “Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him,
this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit”. And I have seen and testified that
this is the Son of God.
a previous verse John the Theologian stresses that no one ever saw God. Indeed,
the Holy Spirit is everywhere and no one knows where it comes from and where it
goes. But the chosen from God, in this case John, knew that it was the Holy Spirit
speaking and revealing the plan of salvation which I hope we all get to know
today and in the future. Amen. There are
many people who show on their own their goodness and there are many who suggest
that are God’s elect. But here it shows that it is good, not to expose but to
allow God to reveal to our fellowmen our mission if this exists and is from God.
we will regret and be saddened if we hear from the Lord “Depart from Me all of
you who work inequity…
us take note on this not to happen. Be cautious!! If we do not want to fall in
this trap we shall secure the salvation of our soul and body with having humbleness,
silence, love towards God and people in our lives. Let this be done… Let this
be done… Amen.
Philip found Nathanael and said to him “We have found Him of
whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son
of Joseph”. And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of
there are many people who have no specific education and have not obtain a
college degree to prove their spiritual work and education. But it impresses me
how the spiritual leaders will request and demand, “Which school have you
finish? How it can be you as an illiterate preach the Gospel of Christ? With
what right you preach? or with what right you confess your faith? What degree
do you have? etc..” I wonder, if one is to become an elect of God or a vessel
of God he needs to have a degree and which school will grant him this degree?
For example, which school can give a degree to someone who has love,
humbleness, obedience to God, and love towards other people? I think that God
accepts and bless the works that accompany our lives rather than degrees. How
many people have degrees and demonstrate over time that their only interests
were glory, riches, personal interest etc… let’s have fair judgment with the
measure of God’s wisdom. Once the scribes and the Pharisees wanted to condemn
the disciples and a good man told them that, let them be, if their works are
not from God they will be destroyed and if from God they will remain. Many spiritual people, due to their egoistic
views, do not accept others without degrees or without the blessing of their
dogma and they reject them and become enemies of God with their own fall as a
result. The Lord said, “Do not judge so you will not be judged. Who are you to
judge the other? To the same Lord you stand or you fall. Inexcusable you are if
you judge others. He who condemns others, himself condemns.” Many times I have received
judgement (criticism) from others. I wanted to say to those brothers why don’t
you mind your own business… why you care what I do? Do you really care about me
that I will lose my soul? Do you care for me or for yourselves? Please look
after your deeds. Do you have secured your salvation? Where do you find the
time to deal with me? God will ask from you your works of sacrifice of love,
humbleness and not of how you judged me or anyone else.
do what God tells me to do. Do the same and through His Word find your mission.
Once I went somewhere where there was a person that called and judged everyone
else a heretic and only himself and his followers were good for God. I was
surprised and thought to myself how can it be possible, in today’s day to have
such a way of thinking and yet thousands of people fall to the trap to call themselves
the chosen. I read in a book once, that there was a monk in a monastery that
judged everyone else there. So God, in
order to make him realize what he was doing, he send an angel to him to ask him
about a person who had just died. So the angel asked, “Since you have taken the
place of God with your judgement tell me where to place this brother who died,
in heaven or in hell? That’s when he realized his mistake and fell on his knees
and asked for God’s mercy. Let us be aware. There are many people due to their
egoistic spirit that they want others to accept what they do. I advise them,
that they do not need to convince anyone and when others ask them where they
go, to tell them as Philip did “Come and see”. This answer demonstrates more
seriousness instead of thousand words that we say to justify what we do. Let us
have the confidence that whoever is of God will find God. What is needed from
us when we see that our fellowmen being honestly interested to know God, to
help them understand God and share the knowledge. When they want to play and
mock us with ironic questions, avoid them and keep quiet. Amen.
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold,
an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!”.
means the way I want to deceive someone using all the wicked means to
accomplish my purpose. Deception means, someone who acts devious. A person with no deception in mind means a
person like Christ who was saying the truth ignoring the consequences. Many
people lost their mission, due to the fact; they did not want to be cast out
from their community and were compromised by using deception. Let’s take heed, because God does not accept
us with deceit and wickedness. Let us be without deceit in any sector, have
unconditional love for each other, friend and enemy, showing this love with
actions. Amen.
On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the
mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the
third day dawns after the 2000. So,
today the third day has landed. For God, one day is 1000 years. Two days have passed and now we are at the
beginning of the third day. The first 100 years of this day many of the Scriptures
will take place concerning the establishment of God’s kingdom within us and
around us.
was a Greek colony and symbolizes that Greece will organise a spiritual
marriage where Christ will come and share with generosity the spiritual wine which will consist of the
Holy Spirit without measure where love,
joy, wisdom and eternal life will irrigate all nations. I wish that we all live and take part in the
plan of God’s reign which began to evolve with the Holy Spirit and the living Voice
of the living God in Greece. However, God does not favoritism. All nations
shall receive the elements of God’s kingdom. Let this be done… let this be
done… Amen.
Intimacy can remove respect. This manifests
most specifically on families. So, here, in this case, Mary forgot who was the
Lord and spoke to Him as her son, the child who she had to advice. We need to
respect our fellowmen even if he is a friend or a family member. Remember what
God’s Word says “No prophet is accepted in his own town” and that’s because of
intimacy. Therefore, since we have the knowledge of things we shall avoid
intimacy and to distinguish between people which exist all around us, so we do
not fall into the trap of familiarity which removes the respect and leads us to
the bad habit that many people display today to intervene in the lives of
others by having opinions for everything and everyone. We have no right and no authority over any
person and shall be careful how we mingle in their lives. Otherwise the person who
allowed others to tell him what to do will come one day to realize through
God’s wisdom his mistake and he will also say “What is between you and
And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and
doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords,
He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured
out the changer’s money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who
sold doves, “Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of
has related to us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and he who
corrupts the temple of God will also corrupt. Here the Lord met hypocrisy and
this was from people on this earth that had authority to serve God and people,
but left out the essence of the living faith and turned the temple of God, the
real temple is our body, in a building and that in such condition that the
temple had become a money making business for them. So with His presence the Lord had to demolish
the temples of commerce and business and reveal the temples of the Holy Spirit
who are our bodies. I wish we can all come to understand this particular and
significant act of Christ and to avoid the lie that unfortunately exists until
today. My brothers and sisters, God is not outside of us and is not
glorified outside of us but lives, exists, grows and
evolves within us, with fruits, gifts and signs of the Holy and Most Holy
Spirit. Only with this way we will achieve the image and the likeness of God.
We all shall become chosen vessels with godly spiritual wisdom and holy sinless
bodies. Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all
men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in
inspiration with in us taught us “Get to know thyself” so we can distinguish
ourselves and be self-critical. We will
see that within us there are many hidden negative elements. Likewise, the Lord
also knows what exists within us, especially the spirit of wickedness which is
hidden under the veil of the form of respect that we have adopted from our
societies. So today with the effort that we apply, we do see that He was right
and did well not to trust anyone. The
same happens with us. He does not trust us. In order for God to trust us, we
have to first follow Him. We follow Him by study His Word in order to adopt His
principles and secondly we must come to repentance. Repentance means, I understood
the wrong lifestyle that I had chosen and took the decision to act. Thirdly, we need to be born of the Spirit. Fourth,
to become ideal people. Fifth, to devote ourselves. Dedication means, to study,
to preach and to implement the truth of the Gospel which will develop with in
us the Gospel of the kingdom. When all that comes in effect to a person than he
then will win the trust of God, so God and person will work and cooperate
together in the centuries of the centuries in order to enforce the will of the
Father God as in heaven so on earth. Let this be done… let this be done…
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you
unless one is born again, he cannot see
the kingdom of God”.
man who applies the Word of God is born of the Spirit. This man shows his
heavenly love for God and fellowmen by applying the unconditional love for God
and towards all fellowmen. A man who is born of the Spirit also, is the man who
follows Christ under any circumstances, a man who is possessed by the
manifestation of the Holy Spirit, practicing the commands of the Holy Spirit and
fulfilling them in his life. However, he
who has born of the Spirit will know it for himself and also others will
testify for him in his everyday life, friends, brothers and enemies. Everyone will
bow to a reborn-again person. A reborn-again person gets his advice from God.
The life of a materialistic person is depended in money, materials and governed
by stereotypes and human rules and regulations. Let’s not allow this to happen
to us.
Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is
born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
symbolizes repentance which is the first stage that a person enters. The
baptism in water creates consciousness in Christ so later by the Holy Spirit
this consciousness can cross this person to the next stage which is the
renaissance. Many people become Christians in name and get baptized in water
but they do not reborn spiritually to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The baptism in water without spiritual rebirth has a positive impact but not
evolution and does not have the image and the likeness of God. The baptism in
the Holy Spirit is received with the laying of the hands from people who have
the power from God to do so. If there is no such person to grant the Holy
Spirit, then we need to study, practice and pray so the Holy Spirit can be
received directly from God. When we receive the Holy Spirit we can bring forth
the declaration “You are Gods” and finally we can achieve the likeness of God.
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it,
but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is
born of the Spirit.
my life I met people who although they had great spiritual help failed to
develop either a minimum regeneration. Also, I met people who I told them one
small spiritual word and they understood almost the whole plan of God and which
they implement in their lives daily with joy and without any obstacles. This is
what it means to be born of the Spirit. And as the wind blows and we don’t know
where it comes and where it goes, so is the person who is guided by the Holy
Spirit. I wish everyone to come to understand the call of Christ and without
any obstacles to increase it in ourselves. Let this be done… let this be done…
If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how
will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
spiritual messages (words) were told by angels and through prophets and
repeated by the Lord. These are such, parables, miracles and all the typical
rules of all dogmas. The heavenly spiritual words (messages) are such, “I am
the light of the world and he who follows me does not walk in darkness but has
the light of life.” Heavenly messages are, “whoever lives and believes in Me,
he shall never die in the centuries”. Heavenly is also the coming of the Holy
Spirit the day of Pentecost, the renaissance of a person, the elimination of
sin, the creation of the kingdom of God with in us and around us, the
elimination of corruption and death. Finally, the second coming of the Lord and
the message, “I want to live in them and they are my people and I will be their
God”. Heavenly is also the judgment of the living, the thousand years with
Christ, the first resurrection and the general resurrection. Let this be done…
let this be done… Amen.
No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven,
that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.
is no heaven and earth. Everything is heavenly bodies and belongs in heaven. Therefore
it does not mean materialistic distance but spiritual distance. This is what
separates people from God. We shall
repent, be born again (spiritually), do the will of God in order to climb the
spiritual heaven where we will meet God who will secure us a holy, heavenly and
blessed life. This is what I wish to all spiritual children who belong in the
Voice of God and throughout the
Christian world. Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal
order for no one to perish what’s needed is organization, individual and total
dedication which will lead to rebirth. This dedication is created by structure and
commitment on a daily basis in our lives and by study the Scriptures in order
to understand the message and the events of the Holly Gospel which will secure
us with heavenly and earthly possessions.
Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
father could sacrifice his only son to save a nonspiritual, sinful person? No body.
This is the greatest act of love from God to the sinner. If the Father for us,
the sinners, He sacrificed His own Son what will he hand out for the reborn-again
person in God who works around the clock for the glory of God and for the
creation of God’s kingdom on earth as in heaven? I am sure that He will grant him heavenly and
earthly possessions. Let this be done…
let this be done… Amen.
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the
world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
people follow God due to fear. They do not know Him and they cannot follow Him
spiritually. They do not study the Bible in order to conceive that the Lord
came to the world to regenerate the
person, to enlighten him, to evolve him, to save him from the devil, from
sin, corruption and death and thus to enable people to follow God under any
circumstances. In the beginning it might be hard for a person to understand
Jesus rebirth message but he who endures wins and with the Lord’s help that
person who endures and makes a solid choice will win over his body and
soul. The second reason that people do
not follow God is that spiritual leaders bully people by saying to them that
God will do this and that to you. These
are so called Nikolaites in the book of Revelation. They appeared the early years of Christianity
and their preaching was to bully and to collect money. Also, they set up among
the followers, manmade established rules and portrait them as the will of God.
We invite upon all people to reach into the word of God, the New Testament, to
take it in their hands to search the Scriptures because in them, they shall
find and get to know God who will fill them with His Spirit and wisdom. Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not
believe is condemned already because he has not believe in the name of the only
begotten Son.
person is judged by his own vices and by his ovation towards the call of
Christ. When a person does not want Christ means he does not want the love, the
joy, the peace, the wisdom, the regeneration, the evolution, the spiritual
rebirth, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the signs that manifest a faithful
person (which are revealed in the last chapter of Marc). Therefore when someone
does not want the above, it leads us to believe that he wants sin, self
centered ego, weakness, corruption, and death.
Indeed, we’re responsible where we end up. We must take heed, because God, He will call
us once, twice to repent. If we ignore the call from heaven which is the voice
of peace and goodwill towards people on earth, we will weep bitterly.
And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the
world, and men loved darkness than light, because their deeds were evil.
it does not mean the natural light, but it means the light that is Christ, the
spiritual light which is composed from the truth of the Gospel, for eternal
life. The darkness is the lie, the death, the materialistic interests,
ambitions, ignorance of the word of God and egos. Within us there is light and darkness. When
someone has a mission to save himself the light of Christ daily increases and
enlightens the person who works for God. When someone has a mission to perish
then the darkness and the sin grows and takes over slowly all his existence and
naturally the consequences is that this man will work the works of evil. Let
this not be done… let this not be done… Amen.
For every one practicing evil hates the light and does not come
to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes
to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in
is why the first mentioned in this verse refrain from Christ for sin has
covered their minds and all their bodies. So, when we talk to them about works
of light their respond is negatively and ironically towards us and they stay
away from us by ignoring us. But when someone has God within is bound for
salvation. When he hears preaching he opens his ears, embraces and accepts the
teaching of Christ like thirsty earth. He accepts the living water which grants
infinite joy and euphoria. This person has no problem to listen and take advice
from Jesus teachings and when God will reveal His works during the Day of Judgment
he will know that he practice God’s works. However, when a person does not do
the works of God he rejects God and goes far away from Him as Cain did not want
to see or hear God. Caution is required in order to understand the call of
Christ which will ensure us incorruptible and immortal elements which will
accompany our lives unto all centuries. Let it be done… let it be done… Amen.
After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of
Judea, and there He remained with them and baptized.
baptism in water is symbolic and shows goodwill to follow Christ. It shows
positive intention to want to do the will of God. However, the Lord said to
Nicodemus “If one does not reborn of the Spirit he cannot see the kingdom of
God”. For this reason, the day of the Pentecost, God sent the Holy Spirit and
strengthen the apostles to cast out fear they had for the Jews and with the
Helper, the Holy Spirit, they captured the world. The Holy Spirit is attained
by the laying of hands or through faith which combines purity and
sanctification and originates from the God of Trinity. Indeed, according to the
holiness and the mission of the faithful, the gift of the Holy Spirit is
granted more powerful or less powerful. The Lord according to His Holiness He
obtained the Holy Spirit without measure and therefore through His Word
miracles of faith and wisdom were performed. God, even today after 2,000 years
has revealed to us in our generation the way to obtain the Holy Spirit within
us and with the divine guidance to be able to set new ways of thinking and new
life in God. He even gave us the strength to be able to share it with others
and the ones that receive the Holy Spirit can bear witness that God lives, moves
and acts effectively in their lives. Let this be done… let this be done…
Amen. The Lord revealed this for the
Holy Spirit “it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away, the
Comforter will not come unto you: but if I depart, I will send Him unto you And
when He is come He will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of
judgement.” Furthermore, for us to grasp
the great value of the Holy Spirit, Jesus emphasized “Whoever blasphemy the Father or Son will be
forgiven but he who will blasphemy the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness in this
century or nor other centuries.” The
reason for this is because the Holy Spirit is the contractor of godliness.
Observe this information and take heed.
John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has
been given to him from heaven”.
is the truth: James the apostle says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift
is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no
variation or shadow of turning.” If the work is not from God soon or later it
will be destroyed. However, if it is from God and we despise it or we fight it,
than we become God’s enemies and God Himself becomes our adversary in our
lives. Be cautious of that. When the Lord, Himself stressed “Do not judge so
you will not be judged “, what He wanted to imply was the need to protect us
from the judgement of others. We need to
know the wisdom and the stand of God is different from human wisdom and stands.
However if we can learn God’s stands the only person that we will judge and
correct is ourselves. God has taught me not to see any good effort with a
negative mind and I try to live by this accord. If someone is a liar will pay
the price soon or later. He who lies ignores God and all creation that is based
on truth. Why do I care what the other person is doing? Let each one of us
examine their own self and their own works and let us place our trust in God’s
will. Let it be done… let it be done…
He who comes from above is above all; he who is of the earth is
earthly and speaks of the earth.
teachings of the world resemble the herd of unthinking animals having as
primary elements; first, I, second, what is mine, third, let us eat and drink
because tomorrow we all die. Sometimes even when the wisdom is increased among
people it is offered with an exchange of money.
Unfortunately, the world does not function without money. In contrary
when someone comes from above, his teaching is the sacrifice, the unconditional
love that is acted and corresponded with the “Freely you have received freely
you shall give”. In a nutshell, the world functions with personal selfish
interests and ambitions while heaven has the Word of God (New Testament)
reflected and inspired in the example of the Lord. Also it has as a base the
saying “if you struggle for your brother not to die you shall not die.” To
examine if we live with the teachings of the world with earthly elements or
with the heavenly wisdom which stems from the unconditional love we reflect
with the “Get to know thyself”. However the heaven is infinite and the earth in
front of heaven is a molecule even in the physical domain. As in the spiritual,
the wisdom of the world is a grain of sand in front of the huge wisdom of God
which involves love and incorruptible eternal life. Let this be done… let this
be done… Amen.
For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, does not give
the Spirit by measure. The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into
His hand.
John testifies concerning the Lord who implemented the commands of the Father
and received the Holy Spirit without measure. We receive the Holy Spirit with measure
because we lack in the living faith and our love is displayed only in our words
and not in our works “the people honor me with their lips and their hearts are
far away from me”. When our faith becomes living faith and the love a genuine
sacrifice for God and fellowmen then we will be given permission by God to
increase in His spirit and wisdom. Let it be done… let it be done… Amen.
we do not practice the will of God then we steal the knowledge of the ones that
work God`s will and we will fall to the trap to think that we are the chosen
from God. Let us be sure: when we practice the will of God He will love us and
will proclaim us to the angels and to people and we become blessed vessels to
help others reform themselves. Let it be done… let it be done… Amen.
He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does
not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides in him.
believes in Christ by typical faith will live through the resurrection. Whoever
believes in Christ by living faith and applies the Word of God, he will not die
but he will live eternally and the reason is because the Lord will be pleased
in him and God will reveal to him the spiritual and natural cloak (Comforter).
Living faith means ultimate steadfast faith in life and not in death. Indeed,
he who will develop the living faith he shall have everlasting life because
Christ has introduced with his Presence the lifestyle of the natural and
spiritual cloak. This has the power to eliminate corruption and death. The Word of God refers that the Lord is the
only one who has immortality and He is the spiritual inextinguishable light, which
is the holiness imperishable eternal life. When we understand Christ and His
teachings then we will run to hug Him and to embrace the enlightenment of the
Spirit, the holiness, the imperishable eternal life which removes from inside
of us all corruptible elements. God is love and not wrath. Wrath is the devil
as it is briefly stated in the Bible. When someone denies Christ accepts the
devil which means ignorance, foolishness, egoism, corruption, disease, death.
Let us decide to construct our life according to the teachings of Christ in
order through the experience and the battles to achieve eternal life. Let this
be done…. Let this be done…. Amen.
Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God,
and who it is who says to you, “Give Me a drink” you would have asked Him, and
he would given you living water.
water is the life of the Lord and His teachings. The Word of God is a source of
life through the Holy Spirit that when poured into us, with our continual devotion,
we will receive it without measure. Then we shall understand the meaning of
this verse. Only when a person receives and gets enlightened by the Holy Spirit
is able to comprehend His treasures and His divine beneficial features and
power such as life, incorruptibility, immortality.
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers
will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to
worship Him. God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit
and truth.
people of the world and in particular the Jews worship God in specific places
such as, temples, synagogues, churches, sacrificial altars. However with the
presence of the Lord, and later on, the middle wall which was boundaries
between God and human was demolished giving access and liberty to each one of
us to communicate and worship God wherever we pleased. As we study the Bible, God speaks to us through
the Bible. Second method to communicate with God is through prayer. Through
prayer we are the ones who speak to God. This is how we begin to have a
dialogue and have a conversation with Him. When a person comes to awareness by applying
the will of God in his life and his knowledge deepens in the wisdom of God,
that’s when God will speak to him directly by the Holy Spirit. To reach to this
point, one need to devote his time, he needs to be honest and to have the
desire and the goodwill to learn about his Creator and his own purpose on this
earth. Surely, a devoted person to the
will of God will have the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit dwell in him
forever. Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
Jesus said to her “I who speak to you am He.”
this case, in order for Jesus to say to this woman “I am He” he saw in her,
humility and unconditional love towards God. As the same today, the Lord hides
Himself and only reveals His Presence to those who are governed by honesty and
unconditional live towards God and fellowmen. Only then He will steer them as
chosen vessels, towards the nation of grace and grant them the fountain which
springs up eternal salvation and the everlasting life. Let this be done… let this be done… Amen.
Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could
this be the Christ? Then they went out of the city and came to Him.
someone introduces Jesus in simplicity without many words instead of himself
than his preaching has a success rate of 100%. We need to learn from this
woman, how she confessed and to build knowledge and avoid mistakes.
Jesus said to them “My food is to do the will of Him who sent
Me, and to finish His work.
the will of God is like everlasting, endless food supply containing happiness,
joy, imperishable life, blessed and eternal life, which replenishes Spirit,
body and soul. The body and Spirit are like two wheels on a machine. When one
suffers then by no choice the other suffers also and the machine cannot
function. We need to support both wheels in order for the machine to operate. The
body is reinforced with the proper diet and the Spirit is enhanced with the
proper teachings which we need to adopt and practice in our lives. Over time we
have seen, if we adopt the teachings of Jesus Christ in our lives, then our
Spirit is rejuvenated and fills us with wellness, euphoria, energy, joy and
divine powers. So the caution is to what
we eat and who do we listen and nourish our mind. Today almost all people are
malnourished in body and spirit. The spirit is malnourished because spiritually
we have removed ourselves from hearing the spiritual living voice of the living
God. Bodies are malnourished due to the
fact, we eat specific meals daily which do not provide the energy and essential
substances our body needs to function and rejuvenate our cell stems. In this case, even though a person might be
100 kilos, his blood results can show that he is lacking nutrients which he has
no choice to supplement with assorted drugs. Let it been known, that all the
essential elements to the imperishable fabric that we need to endlessly rejuvenate
our body exist in nature and one day they will be discovered. In the Word of God, the knowledge of the
imperishable fabric is revealed and by faith and spiritual growth we will find
it and transform ourselves in a holy and pure child of God. This is the fabric which
renews us and establishes incorruptibility to our bodies as promised by God
unto his children. If we want to live, let us hurry and seek the way to eternal
life. Amen.
Do you not say, “There are still four months and then comes the
harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for
they are already white for harvest``.
it refers to the world and his richness and yet has no joy, life and peace. If
we can perceive this we will wear wings on our feet and preach the Gospel of
the kingdom with the wisdom of God. This Gospel provides the power and
authority when preached correctly to resurrect the common person and free and
liberate him of all corruptible elements, regardless his dogma and heresy.
And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal
life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this
the saying is true, “One sows and one reaps”.
who reaps is the one who through his effort and labor achieves the repentance
of his fellowmen. After sincere repentance we all arrive to the harvest of
purity and holiness. The one who reaps gathers the fruits of God`s grace with
joy and rightfully he receives the seal to his mission as Paul said.
true sowers of the Word of God are the ones that sacrifice themselves for God`s
glory such has been the prophets, our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, the
Fathers of the Church and anyone who preaches the Word of God. The ones that
were sacrificed in the name of the Lord will receive hundredfold their wage
unto the resurrection of the dead.
For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his
own country.
to Jesus, a prophet has no honor in his own country because everyone there
knows him as the son of Mary and Joseph.
However, if a prophet is accepted in other countries and in other towns,
his town will also marvel and accept him. Certainly, there were and are chosen
vessels, God`s elect people, that will recognize and accept him right away in
any town or country they live in and will welcome and cooperate for the glory
of God and the salvation of the world. Let this be done… let this be done…
Jesus said to him, ``Go your way; your son lives``. So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke
to him, and went his way.
word has the power to perform miracles when it is voiced from God`s elect. Imagine how more power it carries when it is
voiced from the Son of the living God. In order for us to gain living faith we
need to devote time and spiritual struggle in these three objectives which are
Prayer, Study, and Preaching. If we can
commit to these three elements we will live to the day were we shall ask and it
will be granted to us whatever we ask. Let this be done… Amen.
For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and
stirred up the water, then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the
water was made well of whatever disease he had.
the centuries the infinite wisdom and the divine love (welfare) of the Father
towards humankind acted in many and different ways in order people can find
healing to spirit and body and mercy in health issues that existed. In this
particular city the Father acted by the angel stirring the water in the pool of
Bestheda. In other countries or cities even today, God performs his mercy
through science, special treatments with drugs etc…Today God is acting through the Voice of God by
calling people to study the Holy Gospel,
to regenerate and to heal the human body and soul. Today we have two powerful
antibiotics. One is the Word of God which is necessary for us to study around
the clock and the other is the unceasing Prayer. When we adopt these
antibiotics we will be able to remove and demolish the corruptible elements
that lead us to death. Let it be done…. Let it be done…. Amen.
Jesus said to him, “Rise take up your bed and walk.”
man did not know Jesus but he believed in His words and in Him. His faith in
the Lord empowered him the power to heal himself and walk away from an
incurable illness, paralysis. Faith plays a vital role in our life in a
positive or negative aspect. The positive living faith increases when we grow
in us the living voice of the living God. The negative faith increases when our
only concern is the cares of this world and its system and we evade our rebirth
in spirit which is poured into us through the Word of God (Bible). I strongly
stress to all the children that are currently listening to the Voice of God to continue
study the word of God day and night, if possible, and I am confident that the
day will come for us to perform as the Lord, filled with living faith and
divine love towards all fellowmen, friend or enemy. Let this be done… let this
be done…. Amen.
Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,” See
you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worst thing come upon you.”
leads to a deadlock of body and soul and the result is death. We need to
acquire what is sin, what leads us to death, what is to be sinless and how it
leads us to abolition of death and unto life.
The wisdom of God apprises us if we want to obtain eternal life, joyful,
blessed life, the way to obtain it is to live and practice daily the Word of
God in our lives. This way sin has no place in us therefore it will be cast
away. Amen. However, healing miracles
can occur to all people through faith and intervention of the grace of God.
Afterwards, if they still remain in sin even though they experienced the
miraculous grace of God the worst comes upon them. Be vigilant, take heed and be prudent. AMEN.
For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus and sought to kill
Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath.
the Sabbath was one of the several typical, religious laws which the Lord did
not practice. Jesus, in this case, suggests to us that a person is beyond
rituals and manmade rules which contain no mercy and wisdom of God the Father. Also,
He hints with His actions that the new man in Christ must build his new life
based on love and great mercy. The miracles which Jesus performed on the
Sabbath were one of the reasons the Jews claimed to blame and crucify Him. As
today in our times, some people labor the will of God in ways that are not
acceptable by some others who supposed to be representatives of God and the
result is these people are persecuted and excommunicated. The reason they are
persecuted is because these are reborn, faithful people who do not place great
value in typical faith rituals and manmade rules and regulations, therefore,
are considered and characterized by today’s Christians, hypocrites and
heretics. These so called
representatives of God are merchants of souls and full of hypocritical
spiritual faith that blinds them and does not allow them to be objective in
respect to all people. By exercising the guideline “Get to know yourself”, will
help a person to be in good form with God and not to fight God and be His
But Jesus answered them “My Father has been working until now,
and I have been working.”
work of the Father by the Holy Spirit is to regenerate a person. For this to happen, a person in Christ ought
to comprehend the true values which should govern him in his everyday life. The same task is carried on by the Holy Spirit
though the Son to bring on essential regeneration of the human race Amen. I wish to all the children who belong in the
voice of God to hear the Evangelical truths and to begin apply them, in order
for them to play a key role in the rebirth of the human race. Amen.
Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He
not only broke the Sabbath, but also, said that God was His Father, making
Himself equal with God.
Lord was testifying the truth. Still, those who do not foster good intentions
towards the new announcement, which indeed is that we are all Sons and
Daughters of God, find ways and devices to deceit themselves and perish. The
Pharisees and Scribes found this way through the woes that Jesus unleashed. The
truth which Jesus spoke regrettably, did not lead them to know and recognise
the Word of the Living God. Let us not
allow the truth to offend us and become an obstacle to our salvation. May God help us from selfish interests,
egoism, and wickedness; because these are obstacles which do not permit us to
recognize and have knowledge of the plan of God and perceive the way He
functions. People who depend and support their life on typical creations, in
laws empty of love and mercy and in manmade rules are incapable of seeing God
even if He stand in front of them, as in this verse, they did not recognize Him
and sought to kill Him. If they had God within them they would mind their own
affairs and even though they did not understand Jesus teachings, they would
ignore him and entrust God as it is said “If this plan or this work is of men
it will come to nothing but if It is of God you cannot overthrow it – lest you
even be found to fight against God. Amen.
Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to
you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for
whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.
word of God is the will of the Father whom the Son obeyed and applied in full.
I wish and hope likewise, that we reach to the point to obey and practice by
the Holy Spirit the will of God.
For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He
Himself does; and He will show Him greater works then these, that you may
Father reveals the hidden mysteries that govern and characterize Him only when
He has truly at the front of Him sons and daughters who are determined through
sacrifice to reach His will which is the creation of His kingdom on earth as it
is in heaven. Also, they possess and
demonstrate devotion and sacrifice intended for the glory of the Highest Mighty
God “Peace on earth and God`s will toward men”. These verbs involve the
regeneration and salvation of the human race.
For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even
so the Son gives life to whom He will.
to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My
yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. God
calls each one of us and wants to lead us to eternal, imperishable life. This
is what the Father and the Son wants. If we also want, we can trust our Father
God and follow Him under any circumstances and without excuses. However, since God calls upon all people to
gather around the Holy Table and partake from the eternal calf, why all the
people are not there? What appears is that many people do not follow God with
spiritual substance, because they are consumed with the cares of life such as
work, family, estates and many more chores… On the other hand, whoever does
accept the call they put all that in the back burner and run to follow the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and to become partakers and heirs of the
glory of God. In our case, since we know the truth and we know His will what do
we do? I want everyone to know that in the beginning of our spiritual life God
will test us. If our love is vast then He will visit us and bless us. If it is
tiny then any root of bitterness will grow within us sooner or later and we
will turn back to the same as before or we will follow the typical religion and
fool ourselves that we are accomplishing the will of God. Be cautious of this.
It is another matter to be a good person, another to be a good Christian and
another Son of God which means an active member of God’s kingdom. With this in
mind we can decide what each one of us wants to be.
For the Father judges no one but has committed all judgment to
the Son.
the Father or the Son nor the Holy Spirit wants to judge or condemn a person.
What God desires through His Word is to save the people regardless of doctrine
or nation. Contrary, if someone finds the truth which emerged from the Lord’s
mouth and this person is prone to sin this truth will bring judgment unto him.
The judgment of God begins from the house of God. When the household members
receive, examine and regenerate themselves they will remain eternally in the
house of God as chosen vessels and children of God which serve the people of
God. The judgment extends throughout the human race with the confession of
God’s people. Even though 2000 years have gone by the kingdom of God was unable
to prevail in the societies of people due to the fact, people have accepted
Christianity but in essence they remain pagans (idolaters). I wish and hope for; we understand the
extraordinary transcendent values of the Holy Gospel and reach into them. Let it be done… Amen.
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes
in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but
has passed from death into life. Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is
coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and
those who hear will live.
hears the word of God and believes may not acquire the living faith to remove
sin, corruption and death from his life, however it is certain with his good
deeds to succeed to live long and peacefully in the Lord and to arrive to the
point where he will gain life through resurrection, as all people who died in
the Lord. This is what indicates that the dead will hear the voice of God and
live. On the other hand there are walking, spiritually dead people that live
today. If they hear the call which they
receive today by the Holy Spirit and begin the race to understand the will of
God and His great mercy, they can take action. Action is to study the Word of
God, to pray, to practice, to preach and strive to know God and themselves.
With the increase of all these elements they will guarantee blessings in their
lives and they will become heirs and partakers in the glory of God. The fruits
of God’s glory are holiness and the demolishment of corruption and death from
our bodies. This is what I wish from the bottom of my heart to all children of
the voice of God and beyond. Let it be done… Amen.
For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son
to have life in Himself, and has given Him authority to execute judgment also,
because He is the Son of Man.
Son of Man represents the person in Christ. He has the right to live eternally
in blissful love, great mercy and wisdom within the unfailing providence of God. Likewise, the first Son and incarnated Word of God who is our Lord has the right ,
as He proved by His sacrifice on the cross, that He is a worthy Son and He is
capable to execute judgment on a person, if he is a chosen vessel, and may
grant him with eternal imperishable immortal life. Equally, any other person
who will defeat the evil in him would have the right to live eternally and
grant eternal life to others, because he has also become an heir of God and a
participant and partaker in the glory of God. Let this be done…. Amen.
If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true, there is
another who bears witness of Me, and I know that the witness which he witnesses
of Me is true.
are people who bear witness with loud words and their results are fruitless. We
shall be quiet and allow God to bear witness of us as the Lord did Himself. The
way God testifies for us is to place His love in the heart of other people in
order for them to love us and have the desire to be with us. Also, He testifies
by blessing them and ourselves in spiritual and material domains with heavenly
earthly possessions. These possessions can be used by the elect wisely for the
glory of God and the salvation of the world. To bear witness on our own, resembles
a person who claims he is from God, that he belongs in such doctrine, that he
will be saved, he knows influential people he will enter the kingdom of God
etc.. This is foolish talk and only talk; with egoistical, devious ambitions
rooted from unfair ways. If we want to find mercy from God and fellowmen, let
us be vigilant and act with works of love and mercy.
You search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal
life, and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come
to Me that you may have life.
has revealed that a person since childhood throughout studies and life
experience as a result his brain creates neurons where this information and the
knowledge are stored. This is how a
person creates a remarkable future depending on his appetite for learning, for
regeneration, for development and for spiritual transformation. The research of
the Word of the God, the continuous study and the way of thinking of the Lord
when they become our property create in us, who seek the truth, new neurons
which they store into them information for life, peace, love and joy. They
store the divine providence of God and the way God works. So, when someone
wants to find and apply the truth in his life, his brain will provide eternally
in the frequency of the Lord the eternal heavenly and earthly wealth which have
been stored in through effort and research. Let it be done…. Amen.
I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if
another comes in his own name, him you will receive.
recognize if someone is from God we must obtain the two essential elements, to
study the Word of God (Bible) and second to apply it. When we do not study and
apply the Word of God we fall into the trap of not knowing God and His
principles, or receiving the one who is send from God. Herein, we notice the
supposed chose people of God, in this case the Jews, who had Jesus in front of
them failed to recognize and receive Him, due to their hypocrisy against God
and people. They did not foster the love of God nor does His Word abide in
them. They did not practice the commands of God, because if they had they would
know God and recognize His Son. If they had and lived the elements of God in
their daily lives such as love, wisdom, humility, etc.. they would accept and
cherish Him. Typical religion and traditional worship towards God is fruitless
and empty and it leads to a fall into hypocrisy of God and people with the end
result a standstill.
who came in their own name or in the name of other Gods filled the world with
manmade creations and rules. If we want to distinguish between the right and
the wrong we shall filter everything through the word of God and if it is not
there reject it and do not continue the dialogue with the devil and his regimes
and mandates which are presented and disguised as wisdom. When we follow the
lie we will be deceived and will be led soon or later to a deadlock. When we
build on the truth in Christ will lead us to the land of the living. Let this
be done… let this be done…. Amen.
How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do
not seek the honor that comes from the only God?

Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one
who accuses you-Moses, in whom you trust. For if you believed Moses you would
believe Me;, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings how
will you believe My word?
is not penurious. In one of the parables he declares that that He gave the law
and the prophets. In conclusion, if we do not incorporate in our lives the law
of God, it will become the cause for us to perish due to the fact that the law
wasn’t fulfilled. Let this not be done….